Retirement from Clinical Practice

I will retire on Oct 14 this year. After graduating in medicine at the age of 23, I find myself, 50 years later, still with an enormous love and desire to learn all things medical. I have always looked forward to every day in a long and varied career. But it’s time.

We are no longer booking  patients. We did notify our 100 most frequent referrers (mainly GPs and some specialists) 3 months ago, but your referring doctor may not be aware that I am ceasing practice. Please speak to him or her about sending you to one of my colleagues. A list of Clinical Immunologists and Allergists is available for each state on the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy website.

There are many of you currently on oral allergen immunotherapy, and many of you have 6 to 12 monthly reviews. Please see the GP at the time of your initial referral. All my letters are sequential in time and your GP will be able to include a copy of my letter when referring to a new allergist. The same advice applies to those who have a 3 to 5 yearly review after anaphylaxis, asthma or chronic disease management.

I may continue to indulge on my blog Allergynet Australia or on Twitter as self-management for any potential withdrawal symptoms.

To my clinic manager, Nicole Klecina, who has run the clinic for that last 11 years, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude. Hundreds of you have personally told me that Nicole was so helpful, calm and professional.

Thank you.





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